AceMannan-MD ® First Line of Immune Defense Against Invading Pathogens

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AceMannan-MD Life Saving Formulas

Looking for Serious Immune Armor?

Potent Anti-Viral Properties.

AceMannan-MD and DigestaCure AUTOIMMUNE-X, both M.D. formulated, possess 400% to 6,800%, the ßeta-(1, 4)-linked acetylated mannan immunomodulators (Acemannan) content compared to any other substance available. (Acemannan-MD being the higher potency of the two in regard to Anti-Viral Properties)

What is AceMannan?

  • Acemannan is a polydispersed ßeta-(1, 4)-linked acetylated mannan with antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties. It is an immunomodulator shown to cause the activation of immune macrophages and antibodies. It acts to stimulate the cytotoxic activity of natural killer T-cells and the generation of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes-mediated responses (CTLs).
  • The first line of immune defense against invading pathogens such as viruses and bacteria are macrophages, immune cells that engulf every foreign object that crosses their way.
  • “After enclosing the pathogen in intracellular membrane vesicles, a process called phagocytosis, macrophages kill their prey with acid.”
  • An abundance of research is available regarding the ßeta-(1, 4)-linked acetylated mannan immunomodulator (Acemannan) by visiting The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), a branch of the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM), a branch of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). 

*****No side effects and no contraindications or reactions with any medication or supplement.*****

Introducing Pristine Nutraceuticals Life Saving Formulas:

AceMannan-MD Life Saving Formulas

Acemannan-MD & Digestacure Autoimmune-X have all-natural, highly concentrated proprietary extracts of Stabilized Immune Modulating Components consisting of: Stabilized long-chain polymannan and polysaccharide molecules, stabilized mannose molecules, stabilized glucomannans, stabilized glucopolymannans, stabilized medium and short chain polysaccharides (Oligosaccharides), stabilized mucopolysaccharides, stabilized glycoproteins, and stabilized glycolipids. Also contains trace amounts of natural plant minerals. Contains No fillers, No preservatives, and No other ingredients.

POTENCY VERIFICATION: Under independent size-exclusion chromatography testing, Acemannan-MD & Digestacure Autoimmune-X are proven to contain up to 68 times the stabilized long-chain immune modulating components ranging from 1 million Dalton to over 10 million Dalton, as compared to any product manufactured anywhere in the world. These facts may be confirmed with any additional independent size-exclusion chromatography test.

DEFINITIONS: A “Dalton” is a unit of molecular weight dictating chain length of a microscopic structure. The scientific community has defined these structures of One Million Dalton and higher as “Acemannan,” “immunomodulators,” “Immune Modulators,” or “Healing Orchestrator’s.” An Immune Modulator is a natural, plant-derived microscopic structure designed by nature for the support and restoration of the immune systems in mammals.

HISTORY: For the last 70 years, through procedures designed for increased produce yield, the food industry has unintentionally yet progressively depleted the immune modulating components from the food supply. This depletion is directly correlated to the rise of autoimmune diseases over the same period of time.

  • ALL USDA APPROVED NATURAL INGREDIENTS: within these formulas are certified as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. All ingredients are classified as food-materials, safe and non-toxic, exhibiting no side-effects, reactions or contraindications with medications.
  • ORGANICALLY GROWN, 100% NATURAL, 100% PURE: These formulas contains no yeast, no corn, no wheat, no gluten, no soy, no dairy, no animal products, no latex, no Aloin, no fillers, no preservatives, and no other ingredients other than those listed.
  • SUITABLE FOR VEGETARIANS: The capsule is a certified kosher vegetable based “veggie cap” (No Gelatin). Organically grown in mineral rich volcanic soils free from chemical fertilizers or pesticides.
  • NO GENETIC MANIPULATION (NO GMO’s): These formulas are concentrated extracts of natural stabilized immune modulating components from a cultured (natural selection) 20th generation Aloe botanical which has been bred to produce high quality immune modulating components in high quantity.

Begin the Healing Process Today with Confidence! 

SAVE 10% On Your AceMannan-MDPurchase with Coupon Codemyhealingmentors10


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100% organic, gluten free, gmo free, soy free, dairy free, nut free, lactose free, vegan, no animal ingredients or testing


*****Click the Links Below for Info & 10% Off More “Life Saving Formulas” with Coupon Code: myhealingmentors10*****

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