Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
“How to Know if You Have ADHD“
Jessica McCabe
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Jessica McCabe’s
ADHD Resources
Attention deficit disorder (ADD) is a national health crisis that continues to grow—yet it remains one of the most misunderstood and incorrectly treated illnesses today. Neuropsychiatrist Daniel G. Amen, MD was one of the first to identify that there are multiple types beyond just purely hyperactive or inattentive ADD, each requiring a different treatment. Now, in this all-new, revised edition of Healing ADD, Dr. Amen again employs the latest medical advances in the field, including the largest brain imaging study ever completed on patients with ADD, to identify, examine, and demystify the 7 distinct types of ADD and their specific treatments. With updated recommendations for nutraceuticals and/or medications targeted to brain type, diet, exercise, lifestyle interventions, cognitive reprogramming, parenting and educational strategies, neurofeedback, and more, Dr. Amen’s revolutionary approach provides a treatment program that can lead sufferers of ADD to a normal, peaceful, and fully functional life.
Autism is an epidemic: It has spiked 1,500 percent in the last twenty years. ADHD, asthma and allergies have also skyrocketed over the same time period. One of these conditions now strikes one in every three children in America. But there is hope. Leading medical innovator Kenneth Bock, M.D., has helped change the lives of more than a thousand children. In this important book, Healing the New Childhood Epidemics, Bock features a comprehensive program that targets all four of the 4-A disorders, offering help to children everywhere.
For decades, in the United States and in countries around the world, physicians delivered the diagnosis of ADHD to patients as bad news and warned them about a lifelong struggle of managing symptoms. But The ADHD Advantage, explodes this outlook, arguing that some of the most highly successful entrepreneurs, leaders, and entertainers have reached the pinnacle of success not in spite of their ADHD but because of it. People with ADHD are restless, endlessly curious, often adventurous, willing to take smart risks, and unusually resilient, and their ranks include some of the greatest entrepreneurs of our time. As someone who not only has ADHD himself but has never used medication to treat it, Dr. Archer understands the condition from a unique professional and personal standpoint. Armed with new science and research, and his own personal experience, he teaches readers to embrace their natural strengths and innate potential.
ADHD Resources for Parents
**** A great blog article for parents to understand what to expect from “normal” kids and how to reduce hyperactive/ADD-like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms through behavioral choices (posted): Most Active Kids Don’t Have ADHD ****
**** View our MHM Presentation Page on What Are the Symptoms of Dyslexia ****
Jessica McCabe, “How to (Explain) ADHD”
Jessica McCabe’s HowToADHD put out its first video on Jan. 5th, 2016. Originally created by Jessica McCabe in Fall 2015 to be an ADHD toolbox, she hoped to provide tips strategies and insights into ADHD from her own personal experiences. Although many of the current staff was brought on board at later dates, Edward, Jessica McCabe’s then-boyfriend and now husband believed in Jessica’s vision and has been helping her to create the show.
Jessica McCabe’s HowToADHD has grown quickly, with nearly 10,000,000 views and nearly 200,000 subscribers on YouTube as of May 30th, 2018. Jessica McCabe’s TEDxTalk on ADHD has been watched 10,000,000+ times on Facebook and can be watched here.
The community of viewers, subscribers, and supporters dubbed “Brains” (or those whom come to the channel for their own benefit or is subscribed/a part of the community), and “Hearts” (those whom love, support and seek to better understand Brains) actively participate in this close-knit community, sharing stories and personal tips to help and support each other. None of this would be possible without them! Visit Jessica McCabe’s HowToADHD YouTube Channel.
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