Download your two FREE Informative Handouts below on Improving Digestion & Absorption:
How to Safely Increase Low Stomach Acid
Dis-Ease Does Not Have to Begin in the Gut:
The Power of Eating Hygiene
A Special Thank You to Tracy Harrison at The School of Applied Functional Medicine for Permission to Repurpose Handouts.
*****Handouts are for personal use only.*****
Low Stomach Acid
Having low levels of stomach acid can lead to a range of unpleasant side effects and leave the body vulnerable to infections. However, there are several things a person can try to help increase their stomach acid. Stomach, or gastric, acid is a digestive fluid containing hydrochloric acid (HCL) and digestive enzymes. Stomach acid breaks down food and kills harmful bacteria. There are a number of reasons the stomach may not produce enough acid. Some of these include infection, taking certain medications, and the aging process. The medical term for low stomach acid is hypochlorhydria. When this happens, the other digestive organs cannot absorb essential nutrients from the food a person eats. From Medical News Today